Hollie Starling
Hollie Starling

I write about folklore and folk horror on my socials pages @folkhorrormagpie (instagram) and @folkhorrormagpi (twitter)

Particular interest in suicide prevention, mental illness, bereavement, nature, death culture and ritual practice.

My debut book, The Bleeding Tree : A Pathway Through Grief Guided by Forests, Folk Tales and the Ritual Year, was published by Rider/Ebury in May 2023 and is available in hardback, ebook and audiobook.

My new book, Bog People : A Working-Class Anthology of Folk Horror, will be published by Chatto & Windus in Autumn 2025.


Hollie Starling

Hollie Starling

Author / magpie. The Bleeding Tree (Rider, 2023), order link in bio. Bog People (Chatto & Windus, 2025), coming soon. Rep Hardman & Swainson